A regional chapter of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP)
Active members consist of individuals interested in goals and objectives of the ACCP regardless of race, creed, gender or national origin. Both ACCP and non-ACCP members may be chapter members, and shall be equally involved in contributing to the chapter, with the exception that non-ACCP chapter members shall not hold office.
Our Purpose:
To promote the rational use of drugs in society.
To advance the principles and practice of clinical pharmacy.
To promote the full-time, advanced practice of clinical pharmacy.
To provide an advanced level of educational programs in the area of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics.
To provide a forum for the expression of opinion on pharmacy practice, education, and research from the perspective of clinical pharmacists.
To support, promote, and advance the goals and objectives of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy as outlined in its constitution and bylaws.
To provide a local recruiting base for the American College of Clinical Pharmacy.